London Tattoo Convention is an annual event which celebrates not only the great history and art of tattooing but also another side of life, for the slightly more curious, possibly naughty, but most definitely the creative, daring person in all of us.
You’ll find stunning women swinging from the wooden beams amongst flames while young and old stare in awe. Passionate artists hand painting vintage signage, dressed head to toe in their best vintage attire as if they just walked out of a film in the 1940s. While colourful big smiled vixens, intimidating dark beauties and steel guitar playing one man bands entertain as excited children play hooky with their families.
All day and night the sound of tattoo guns buzz like mosquitos from the deep. One could swear they start to hypnotise as you wander through the great gallery and numerous rabbit warren like tattoo rooms. So much so that once you’ve spent a day amongst all the amazing, art, performances, strikingly gorgeous humans expressing themselves through ink and alternative garb you begin to feel the need to get tattooed too (if you haven’t already!).
As the evening winds down, imagine tall ship masts poking out over the wooden cavernous roofs as the sun sets. A myriad of walk ways above with huge metal and wooden industrial beams stretching out in all directions. Open air fresh piazzas, filled with friendly inked people from all over the world. The dulcet tones of Bela Lugosi’s Dead by Bauhaus echoes over the crowd and through curious creatures selling their one of a kind stunning jewellery and art under the curved roof cave tunnels below.
If you truly want to experience something different, London Tattoo Convention is the place to be!
Photography & Words by Belle Piec at London Tattoo Convention, Tobacco Dock, Saturday 29th September 2018
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